レンツ【⇐「nowkouji226.com」での 比較記事 】を以下で考えてみます。具体的には「ハインリヒ・レンツは変動磁場に対する誘導起電力を法則化しました。伝えられている彼の性格を教えて下さい。」と入力して以下を得ます。 「I apologize, but I couldn't find any information regarding a person named Heinrich Lents who formulated a law specifically regarding the instruction of electromotive force for changing magnetic fields. It's possible that the information you're referring to is not widely known or may be attributed to a different individual. If you have any additional details or context about Heinrich Lents or the specific law you're referring to, I would be glad to try and assist you further.」 そこで、その他の業績を聞いてみます。すると「I apologize, but I couldn't find any information about a scientist or physicist named Heinrich Lents in my database. It's possible that he may not be a well-known figure or his achievements might not be widely documented. If you have any other questions or need information about a different topic, feel free to ask!」流石にここで意地になります。 ウィキペディアで調べて正確な名前と生没年を入れます。...